Environmental Issue & Sick Building Syndrome Blog

Asthma Facts to Know

July 20th, 2017 7:41 PM by Dan Howard

Strong Emotions Can Trigger Asthma

Strong emotions like anger can make you breathe faster and set off an asthma attack. Laughing, crying, yelling, and even feeling stress or fear can be triggers, too.

Some Children Can Outgrow Asthma

About half of all children seem to outgrow asthma symptoms by their teen years, though these symptoms may come back in up to 50% of those children when they become adults. Once the airways become sensitive to asthma triggers, they remain that way for life.

Of the 24 million Americans living with asthma, about 6 million are children. Kids can have normal, active lives with proper care. Learn your child's asthma triggers and work closely with his doctor. Teach your child to care for his asthma and to tell you when he doesn't feel good. If your child is missing a lot of school, it probably means he needs a better treatment plan. 

Many People with Asthma also Have Allergies

About half of all children seem to outgrow asthma symptoms by their teen years, though these symptoms may come back in up to 50% of those children when they become adults. Once the airways become sensitive to asthma triggers, they remain that way for life.

Of the 24 million Americans living with asthma, about 6 million are children. Kids can have normal, active lives with proper care. Learn your child's asthma triggers and work closely with his doctor. Teach your child to care for his asthma and to tell you when he doesn't feel good. If your child is missing a lot of school, it probably means he needs a better treatment plan.

A Quick-Relief Inhaler Works Best With Other Medications

If you're having an asthma attack, a rescue inhaler can help in the moment. But if you have symptoms often, you may also need to take medication daily to help control flare-ups. What counts as often? Either:

  • Three or more times a week
  • Three or more times a month at night

Quick-relief inhalers don't prevent asthma attacks.

Continue to Exercise even of It Triggers Asthma

Everyone needs exercise, including people with asthma. Working out can help strengthen your breathing muscles. Talk to your doctor. With the right treatment, you can control your asthma and stay fit.

Warm up before you work out, and cool down to help with chest tightness. Avoid outdoor exercise on chilly days, when the pollen or air pollution counts are high, or if you have a respiratory infection. You might also want to talk with your doctor to see if using an inhaler before you exercise could help.

Often, a cough is the only sign of asthma. If you find yourself coughing at night, when you exercise, or if your cough won't go away, it may be asthma. Other common symptoms are chest tightness and trouble breathing, and wheezing. If you have any of these, see your doctor. The sooner you start treatment, the less damage to your lungs.

A primary care doctor can usually diagnose and treat asthma. You may need to see a specialist if you need extra tests, if you've had a life-threatening asthma attack, or if you need more help to keep your condition under control.

Obese Individuals Have a Higher Chance of Having Asthma Compared to Those Who Aren't

Among other things, obesity can cause your airways to narrow. That can lead to asthma. Being overweight can also make asthma harder to control. 

Researchers are looking at links between obesity and inflammation. Extra fat can lead to inflammation in the whole body, including the lungs. Trouble with breathing could also cause people with asthma to be less physically active.

To Help Avoid Asthma Flare-ups, You Should Wash your Hands and Get A Flu Shot

Flu and colds can make your asthma much worse. You have a greater chance of having problems caused by the flu, too. So if you have asthma, make sure to get your flu shot, and wash your hands often. Also, be extra careful around people who are sick.
Posted in:Health and Safety and tagged: asthmafacts
Posted by Dan Howard on July 20th, 2017 7:41 PM



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