Environmental Issue & Sick Building Syndrome Blog

The EPA states that there are so many sources of indoor air pollution in childcare facilities that the air is considered to be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air.

We want to select daycare facilities that are aware of these risks and have an active program to reduce the chance of your child being hurt by exposures. Look for a daycare that: 

  • Implements a regular testing and green treatment program for mold and allergens. Look for a regular service providers notice of treatment


  • Has an infection control program that includes all of the best practices including washing, dis-infection, avoidance of risky sharing of items that have not been cleaned, supply of tissues and proper control of diaper changing and bathroom activities


  • Has a cleaning service that utilizes green products as opposed to harsh chemicals


  • Has paints, finishes and materials in good condition without peeling paint or wear


  • Provides toys and other materials manufactured in the US and free of the lead as often found in imported colored plastic and paint finishes


  • Has the mechanical systems regularly serviced and tested and has smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


  • Has been tested for radon and asbestos and remediated if necessary


  • Had safe and non-toxic chemicals used If pest control is necessary for the facility
Posted by Dan Howard on December 12th, 2016 10:07 PM



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