Environmental Issue & Sick Building Syndrome Blog

        Unwelcome water problems create heartache, health problems and often financial hardship. Knowing how to protect yourself and recover from the water event can keep a bad situation from getting worse.  

        Understanding water damage and recovery can be important to almost everybody. Frozen pipes, burst washing machine hoses and many other common occurrences can result in serious water damage. Flooding can occur almost anywhere. As a college student, the author’s dorm room on the 18th floor was flooded by the sprinkler system on the 19th floor. Strange and silly things that cause water damage do happen.

Weeks, months and possibly years after leaks and flooding occurs, new problems can arise from improper or incomplete restoration. Plaster can fall, wood can rot, and building exteriors collapse all as a result of uncorrected moisture problems.  Allergies, neural and respiratory diseases as well as other serious health threats can result from improperly or untreated water problems.

All you ever needed to know about water damage you learned in high school gym class             

             You may have learned about life in kindergarten, but water restoration education is learned from sweat soaked gym clothes left in a locker. If you doubt this, just remember the waft of stink while walking past a locker containing very ripe gym cloths on a Monday morning. Yuk! 


Click Here To Download A Copy of the "After the Flood" Article

           The distinctive nasty locker smell is the product of fungi, mold and bacteria growing on the sweat soaked towel and cloths. The odor problem goes from bad to worse until the stinky gym clothes left the building.

             Wall and furniture cavities and hidden surfaces such as carpet pad can create the same conditions as the dirty gym clothes. Nasty bacteria, mold and fungi can be found on every surface of a home. Flowing water drives the organic pollutants into every recess. Floodwaters can also deposit the bacteria from sewage.     

             Drying only the exposed surfaces of a building does not kill the hidden mold and bacteria any more effectively than cleaning the outside of the nasty smelling locker.  

Posted by Dan Howard on October 14th, 2016 2:52 PM



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