Environmental Issue & Sick Building Syndrome Blog

         Many people are struggling with health and odor problems in their homes. The questions that we most often get are:

  • What is it?
  • Why do we have it?
  • What can we do about it?


          We go into many homes and see many things. We can help solve underlying problems that are the source and cause of mold. The health of our clients is serious business, which we take seriously.

                  However, occasionally we see amusing things!!

         I spotted this “Leg Lamp” in a client’s basement. The client was tickled that I recognized the lamp identical to the one used in the 1983 iconic Christmas movie “A Christmas Story”.  I asked if I could take a picture of the lamp and he said PLEASE DO IT AND USE IT! He wife objected to the lamp being on display just as Mother Parker did in the movie. He really would have liked it in his front window, but his wife objected. Sharing the picture was the best he could hope for.     

                He did not have a replica BB gun (“You’ll shoot your eye out”) Oh well

…..and yes, he did have mold too……but we fixed that problem. 

Posted by Dan Howard on December 27th, 2016 7:14 PM



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