Environmental Issue & Sick Building Syndrome Blog

Myth #1:              Toxic Black Mold is the only dangerous mold

Truth: #1:            It is true that Stacybotrys chartarum, also known as “Toxic Black Mold” can be very dangerous. It is also true that there are many molds that can affect health. Common molds such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and Cladosporium can trigger respiratory problems. There are some that are highly allergenic and others that can trigger neurological problems. Testing can identify which molds are present. Then, if needed, your medical professional can evaluate the possibility of particular health issues can be determined based upon the type and amount of mold.


Myth #2:              If you can’t see or smell any mold, it can’t be a problem.

Truth #2:             Mold can and does live behind walls, under floors, in french drain systems and in furnishings as well as many other hidden areas. Though you may not see the visible mold, the small particles that can affect health called endotoxins and mycotoxins can affect the health of some individuals. When mold is suspected, it is important to test for mold, even when it is not visible to the naked eye.


Myth #3               Mold is everywhere and does not need remediated.

Truth #3               Though mold is everywhere, all molds are not everywhere in the same amount and type. Most city water contains traces of Arsenic, known as a toxin. Our bodies can handle small amounts of this and almost every environmental exposure. It is the quantity of the total exposure that can create serious health problems. Too much Arsenic and we can become ill or die. Every day we are in the sun we have some exposure to radiation with little consequence. If we walk into a nuclear reactor, or have too much sun over our lifetime, we can have serious health consequences.  Mold exposure is cumulative with each person having an exposure level that can result in sickness.


Myth #4               If only one person living in a home is sick, it must be something other than mold.  

Truth #4               Each person has a level of exposure that can be unhealthy that is unique to them. Some of the factors affecting the level include prior exposures, genetics, the time spent in the area where the mold exposure is located, quality of the immune system of each person, stress levels, diseases affecting the immune system and general health.


Myth #5               A Clean House or New Home Can’t Get Mold.

Truth #5               Even the cleanest or newest of homes can have mold. You have read about some of the cleanest transplant centers in hospitals can have hidden mold. It is true that dirt will support the growth of mold, but a sterile environment can have mold hiding behind a wall or other hidden area.

Posted in:Mold Myths and tagged: Black moldmyths
Posted by Dan Howard on September 17th, 2016 10:05 PM



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